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когда размещено 27.10.2009 в 18:22 |
Add To Favourites:
This value, available in the "miscellanous chart", reports an estimated indicator that can be used to have an idea of the number of times a visitor
has added your web site into its favourite bookmarks.
The technical rules for that is the following formula:
Number of Add to Favourites = round((x+y) / r)
x = Number of hits made by IE browsers for "/anydir/favicon.ico", with a referer field not defined, and with no 404 error code
y = Number of hits made by IE browsers for "/favicon.ico", with a referer field not defined, with or without 404 error code
r = Ratio of hits made by IE browsers compared to hits made by all browsers (r <= 1)
As you can see in formula, only IE is used to count reliable "add", the "Add to favourites" for other browsers are estimated using ratio of other
browsers usage compared to ratio of IE usage. The reason is that only IE do a hit on favicon.ico nearly ONLY when a user add the page to its
favourites. The other browsers make often hits on this file also for other reasons so we can't count one "hit" as one "add" since it might be a hit
for another reason.
AWStats differentiate also hits with error and not to avoid counting multiple hits made recursively in upper path when favicon.ico file is not found
in deeper directory of path.
Note that this number is just an indicator that is in most case higher than true value. The reason is that even IE browser sometimes make hit on
favicon without an "Add to favourites" action by a user.
когда размещено 27.10.2009 в 18:21 |
Add to favorites
This is an estimated value of how many times someone has added one of your website pages to their bookmarks. AWStats looks at the number of requests
for the favicon.ico file so this indicator is nebulous.
когда размещено 27.10.2009 в 17:52 |
Статистика awstats
Позиция "Добавить в закладки" 80 / 59 Посетители 135.5 %
т.е. 80 из 59 посетителей добавили в закладки сайт...
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